Key Projects

Procedure Manual for the Rapid Load Test: (Client: Foundation Constructors Inc.)

I developed the procedure to implement the newly developed Rapid Load Test (RLT) using numerical methods to simulate the dynamic test procedure. This new testing equipment can be used to test the axial capacity of piles using a mass of 25,000kg dropped from various drop heights on top of the test pile or drilled pier. A load is applied over a period of 2 milliseconds to simulate the application of dynamic loads. Pile load settlement curves are obtained and ultimate pile or drilled pier capacities are predicted. This test procedure was modeled using the finite-difference analysis computer program FLAC. FLAC results compared well with the actual measurements for the Bay Street test site in Emeryville, California.

Thorton Medical Center, San Diego, CA: (Client: Ninyo & Moore)

I utilized the computer program RSPMATCH developed by Norm Abrahamson to perform the Spectra Matching for seven sets of recorded fault normal and fault parallel components. A 5% damped DBE and MCE spectra were developed as the target spectra for spectral matching. A total of 28 (7 earthquake records x 2 horizontal components x 2 target spectra) spectrally matched time histories were produced as part of our work. The results were summarized in a letter report. We also provided spectrally matched time histories and their 5% damped spectra in the digital form. Spectral matching was done in accordance with the CBC 2008 for the UCSD Thornton Hospital Bed Tower project.

Project Name: State Route 72 SR 75/282 Transportation Corridor Project, Coronado, California

M2 Developed three finite difference models associated with three different soil profiles and incorporated three different tunnel structure types that comprised a single bore, a twin-bore, and cut & cover options. The tunnel depth varied from 25 feet to 100 feet below the ground surface. The analysis was conducted using FLAC and non-linear soil loads versus displacement curves. Displacement curves were provided for varying depths below the ground surface. Normal and shear springs were provided for the tunnel in all three directions (upwards, lateral and downward movement). Soil load versus displacement curves were also provided for two large launching and receiving shaft structures about 30 feet deep. The load versus displacement values were provided for both normal and shear directions.

Bob Hope International Airport, San Diego, CA: (Client: Ninyo & Moore)

The project involved performing spectral matching in accordance with the CBC 2008 for the Bob Hope International Airport project in San Diego, California. Used the computer program RSPMATCH developed by Norm Abrahamson to perform the Spectra Matching for the seven sets of recorded fault normal and fault parallel components. We used a 5% damped DBE and MCE spectra as the target spectra for spectral matching. A total of 28 (7 earthquake records x 2 horizontal components x 2 target spectra) spectrally matched time histories were produced as part of our work. The results were summarized in a letter report. We also provided spectrally matched time histories and their 5% damped spectra in the digital form. Spectral matching was done in accordance with the CBC 2008 for the project. The report was reviewed by Dr. Marshal Lew and was accepted with minimal comments.

Colorado Tunnel Excavation Analysis, Englewood, Colorado, California

Performed the numerical simulation of the proposed excavation for the construction of below-grade railway lines. The 28-foot deep excavation was proposed to be done in stages and be supported by a row of 2-foot diameter drilled piers spaced at 2.5-feet on center. The piers would be cantilevered, and the purpose was to limit lateral and vertical movement to reduce any impact on an adjacent high-rise building only 15 feet from the excavation. Used the computer program FLAC to model the soil-structure interaction, which would occur during the excavation process. The numerical prediction was confirmed in the field during the actual excavation process, by survey points and installation and measurement of inclinometers. The FLAC prediction was very close to actual measured values and this prediction was used to develop remedial plans to avoid further movement in the field as the excavation took place.

Port of Dubai, Site Response Analysis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, (July 2005)

I performed a site response analysis for a Port Facility in Dubai to estimate the amplification of a 30-foot thick, soft silty soil deposit. The computer program SHAKE2000 was used to perform the analysis. SHAKE analysis showed the input motions would get amplified two times the input motion values.